New show confirmed: SHIN-ONSAI 2022
Saturday November 5 & 6, 2022
11:30 door/ 12:30 show
Shinjuku Bunka Center Hall (6-14-1 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
Sunnyday Service, ZAZEN BOYS, Buffalo Daughter, bonobos, Odottebakarinokuni, Kimyo Reitaro, Kukikodan, MONO NO AWARE, and more!
Tickets: 1DAY 3,500 yen/ 2DAYS 6,000 yen
Presale at e+: August 11, 2022 12 PM to August 21 11:59 PM
https://eplus.jp/shin-onsai/Tickets on sale from September 10, 10 AM at following box office
e+ https://eplus.jp/shin-onsai/
Pia https://w.pia.jp/t/shin-onsai/ (P code: 223-326)
Lawson https://l-tike.com/shin-onsai/ (L code: 71349)Info: Sunrise Promotion Tokyo 0570-00-3337 (12~3 PM weekday)